Membership Details
Why Register?
AdminDave, 25 March 2015

Premier Members

Why have a Premier Section? because together, our purchasing power means we can qualify for some great discounts on Genuine Citroën C4 accessories and parts, consumables, Engine Tuning, Stainless Steel Exhausts, Tyres, Alloy Wheels, Insurance and much more.

CitroenGenuine Citroën Parts and Accessories

Please note: Prices are always subject to change and will be confirmed by the supplier at the time of ordering due to Citroen's ever moving pricing policy and 'special offers'. - Prices can vary due to the euro exchange rate and the discount also available varies depending on the type of item but can be 25% - 33% on 'accessory's') Postage (if required) will vary depending on the number of items ordered. This is not restricted to UK members as parts can be mailed virtually World Wide and have been mailed to Australia, South America, the Far East etc. before!

If you need any parts i.e. Brake Discs, Brake Pads etc. you can call or e-mail for a special C4 Premier Members price which will be supplied at a substantial discount from the full retail price in the region of 15% - 25% (depending on the actual item) This will allow those who don't want to use a main Dealer to carry out servicing to maintain there car with Genuine Citroen parts at a substantially reduced cost.

To see what is available accessory wise take a look at the Citroen National accessory Selector to view a comprehensive list.

Ordering Information will appear HERE for Premier Members Only

You will be able to print off a membership certificate immediately with your user number and username so you can claim the discounts when purchasing from our partners and no waiting for the post!

Premier Membership also gives access to an Information archive which is constantly building and now includes a searchable database of over 1,000 Citroen C4 and DS4 Technical guides plus error code fact sheets which you can download and use to fault find on your car.

The download allowance for 'Premier Members' is increased from 500kb, to 20,000kb per 24 hours which should be more than enough to find what you need if you have a problem.

To sign up for Premier Membership, you first need to register as a site member to get a userid - then simply click on the link below to make a secure payment via PayPal or credit Card via PayPal to upgrade your account.

The Fee is a modest £12.00 per year which qualifies you for some substantial Discounts and incentives which will normally, more than cover the cost of the annual fee.

You can follow the links here to see examples of what is available. Our suppliers insist on a paid membership plan or they reserve the right to withdraw any discounts on offer. However we have agreed with them to keep the fee to a minimum.

Please Note: The FULL discount available from suppliers goes to the members, not to the site owners.

To upgrade simply click the button and follow the on screen instructions.

All transactions are made securely by PayPal. Why PayPal? - well watch the video introduction which explains it all.

All subscriptions will cancel within 24 hours of anniversary of you completing the upgrade process and if you wish to continue you will need to subscribe again.

You cannot cancel this one off subscription and get a refund it will run for the full period once the payment is collected so please be aware of this BEFORE clicking the upgrade button.

Please note We have kept the fee as low as possible which basically covers costs and as such, we are sorry but we cannot refund part years subscriptions.

To Upgrade your account, click the button below

Premier Membership
Enter username here

IMPORTANT: PayPal should direct you back to a confirmation page on site after the payment has been processed. However due to a system 'Bug' this may not happen and upgrades will need to be done manually.

If you have not had confirmation of your account being set up within 48 hours (unless we post a notice regarding any possible delay) - Please send a Personal Message to 'wozza' so I can create your Premier account. Then you will get a Personal Message back with confirmation details. However you should see the discount codes for the Premier Members Store under 'Online Store' immediately on confirmation of your PayPal payment.

For future verification once you have paid the fee via PayPal, you can check your 'settings' page when you log in here

Suppliers offering discounts will use any of: your site userid number, display name or registered e mail address to verify your a member to give the discounts (UK Members)

Your information will NOT be disclosed anywhere to anyone and enquiries should come to 'wozza' only via a Private Message please - not via e mail as it's not secure and we don't want anyone getting on any 'spam' lists.

Please Note:

NOTHING other than your member id, site name or registered e mail address, will ever be passed to anyone other than a supplier offering you a discount and will NOT be used by (or passed to anyone else) for marketing purposes.

Your real name (if in your user-settings) will never be supplied to anyone other than the Head Administrator on site You can read our 'Privacy Policy' HERE

this content item is from C4 - DS4 Owners
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