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 FAQ #182
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Change a starter motor on a C4?

Citroen have manged to make the starter motor fasteners very inaccessible.

There's 3 x M8 capscrews securing the starter.

No 1 is accessed from below the car (requires removal of the vacuum box thing).

No 2 is accessed from above the gearbox and the head of the capscrew is hidden below the diesel filter. This fastener screws into a tapped thread in the starter motor body. Requires removal of the battery tray to access.

No 3 is accessed from the back of the engine (unclip the diesel pipes and ease wiring to give access to cap screw head. Use a mirror as there is not direct clear sight of the fastener head.

Before the starter can be removed from the car there's another couple of tasks:

1/ Remove flexible exhaust section (bend that goes over chasssis)

2/ The starter motor has a little metal bracket fastened to it to support wiring tray. There's a 13mm spanner size (normal external hex head) bolt securing this to the starter. Needs removal before starter can be removed. It sits closer to the engine block than No 3 capscrew
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FAQ Posted by gmerry
Info Created: 07 December 2009
Last Updated: 07 December 2009