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 FAQ #141
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Buy and programme a replacement key Fob (remote Key) for my C4
There are numerous 'offers' from non Citroen Dealers saying they can supply key fobs for a C4 but do they work?

The question is if the blade is cut to fit the ignition, will these steps work to reprogram the key to the car (since it's used, just the blade is new)? :

- Key in ignition (ignition off)

- Turn key to ignition on, and press and hold locking button for about 5 secs.

- Release button on fob

- Turn ignition off

- Wait about 10-15secs and fob programming should be complete.


Firstly the instructions are not programming instructions but re-sync details to program a remote that has already been programmed with Citroen Lexia/Proxia diagnostics before. Its for the remote if the buttons have stopped working for some reason.

Secondly if you have bought a already been programmed key it will be useless. The keys start the career as virgin and lock to a car after programming. This is done with codes and diagnostics.

Thirdly even if you buy a new off eBay as this is the guess where you got it from its a good chance even it has not been programmed it will be the incorrect one as their are 5 that look the same as the C4 and they don't swap over.

This remote is a one car programming remote. From the first day it is sold it starts off its life virgin. As soon as you program the remote it changes the chip to imprint the cars information too it. This way the remote now can only be reprogrammed to the same car.

ONLY buy this remote if it is brand new in a parts bag. Many advertise this remote as new with a new key blade. DON'T be fooled. The condition is new but it has already been programmed. Please make sure it has not been programmed to another car.

Also beware each model has a different remote and part number even though they look the same. Even if you find a new one make sure the part number matches the part number you get from your dealership to your chassis number. No remote works each other.

This remote is on Newer C2, C3 also on C4, C4 Picasso and C5 facelift.

The information for this remote is exact to what is written above. DO NOT buy unless it is brand new. All dealerships will only order these cut already to a car. So sometimes you can fins a new remote already cut but again make sure it has not been programmed before. Also make sure the car it came off as again they don't work each other model.

For about 90% of the cars you need brand new remotes and the ones off eBay are a waste of time.
Views 120197 (Unique 114347)
Member Rating :   9.3 - 20 votes    
FAQ Posted by giorgos3
Info Created: 04 May 2009
Last Updated: 10 February 2014