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Content Author List Dave_Retired.

C4 Rear Brake Assemblies (hits: 11121)
on 25 Jan 2008 by Dave_Retired. author list print the content item create pdf file of the content item
There are 2 types of rear brake assembly used on the C4 Lucas and Bosch The Lucas Assembly is: [shadowbox={e_IMAGE}c4/brakes/REAR_BRAKE_TRW_LUCAS.jpg|Bosch Rear Brake Assembly||][/shadowbox] The Bosch Assembly is: [shadowbox={e_IMAGE}c4/brakes/REAR_BRAKE_BOSCH.jpg|Bosch Rear Brake Assembly||][/shadowbox] [read more]
 9.6 - 3 votes
Changing a faulty tailgate lock on a Citroën C4 (hits: 101429)
What you need and how to to it
on 24 Aug 2006 by Dave_Retired. author list print the content item create pdf file of the content item
Changing the tailgate lock or handle on a Citroën C4 is not a complicated process and takes less th[...]
The Tailgate Lock on my C4 VRT+ started playing up recently so I had it checked out by my local dealers who replaced it under warranty but I felt it worthwhile posting the details of the issue as any car older than 3 years (none yet) but which have covered 60,000 miles and are less than 3 years old (possible [read more]
 8.8 - 18 votes
Citroën C4 Front Brake Pad and Disk replacement (hits: 68665)
How to Do It Yourself
on 08 Jul 2007 by Dave_Retired. author list print the content item create pdf file of the content item
How to change the front disc brake pads and Disks in less than 1 hour with a few hand tools - this i[...]
Changing the front brake pads and disks on a Citroën C4 This is a simple process which anyone with basic mechanical skills can carry out in under 1 hour All you require is a suitable jack, a screwdriver and 13mm spanner (preferably a 'ring' type spanner or socket) for the pad change only. To change the disks you will also need a [read more]
 8.8 - 13 votes
How to change a C4 1.6 HDi Turbo / Exhaust Heat Shield 1723T3 (hits: 9695)
on 18 Feb 2009 by Dave_Retired. author list print the content item create pdf file of the content item
[shadowbox=http://c4owners.org/images/c4/heat_shield/1.jpg|Turbo Exhaust Heat Shield::The old and the new||right]http://c4owners.org/images/c4/heat_shield/1s.jpg[/shadowbox] The front securing lugs on the heat shield are a known weak point on this engine and can fail through 'fatigue'. Citroen have uprated the securing points for later models. The lugs failing don't cause any real issues as the shield can't go anywhere but it can but it can let hot air [read more]
New Child Car Seat Regulations (hits: 5162)
Do you know what they are?
on 19 Sep 2006 by Dave_Retired. author list print the content item create pdf file of the content item
How to make sure you comply with the new regulations
From 15th September 2006 new rules require anyone using a car to carry children under 12 years of age to have cars fitted with proper baby seats, child seats or booster cushions. (There are some small exemptions for taxis or unexpected journeys over short distances) Police are now entitled to stop cars and check if equipment is being used safely. The Rules [read more]
 8.0 - 3 votes
Tuning a Citroen C4 engine (hits: 52690)
Getting the most from your car
on 05 Feb 2007 by Dave_Retired. author list print the content item create pdf file of the content item
Why get an Engine Tuned? What difference does it make?
Why? to increase the flexibility and Drive-ability. When a manufacturer releases a car into a world market it has to be able to cope with many different demands in many different environments by many different users all "from the box". For example, the car has to cope with poor fuel quality, dusty environments, poor services and at the same time provide [read more]
 8.7 - 14 votes